General Brewing Co. - 197x - Lucky Lager - crown tickler promotion puzzles - 022 / 413

12 - You are a barrel of laughs 16 - May I have this dance? 47 - Be nice to your neighbors 048 - Pick up litter 051 - Watch out for others 56 - On my word of honor
59 - Paris in the spring 60 - You bet your bippy 62 - The powers that be 64 - Can you imagine that? 67 - I feel good all over 74 - Creating a rumpus 75 - Lawrence Welk
85 - Sharp as a tack 89 - How dry I am 95 - Once over lightly 97 - United we stand 100 - Straight down the middle 106 - Not playing fair 108 - Don't mention it
113 - Journey to the moon back